useful sites
a lot of these are tools or directories and such that are excellent for exploring the internet or creating things.
Grackle's Transgender Directory - excellent collection of links to useful resources and information about trans people through history
OpenBooks - allows you to more easily search neocities sites
WOMEN/QUEER/TRANS-fronted/centric DIY HARDCORE/PUNK BANDS - literally what it says on the tin
Marginalia Search - you probably know this one. great source for finding weird old websites. i've found some incredible writing and art through this, and odd, subculture-centered sites in general. tread lightly; not all the information present on some of the sites marginalia pulls up can be trusted or taken for fact
BreezeWiki - allows you to browse fandom wikis without all the godawful bloat. integral for anyone needing to refer to lore or info for various series
BookFinder - as a book collector, i make use of this site a lot to find out-of-print books. especially great if the publisher has long gone out of business and if you don't want to give money to amazon
Decker - a multimedia sketchpad that allows you to draw, import images, record brief sound clips, and program simple interactivity elements. great for e-zines and the like
Mountain of Ink - if you're a fountain pen user like me, this site is integral for deciding what inks to check out. generally useful for traditional artists looking to experiment with the often unique properties of fountain pen inks
Radio Garden - listen to radio stations from around the world
Trans Reads - collection of books by and about trans people and identity. excellent source for research and personal curiosity
FTM Power - resource site specifically for transmasculine people, still a work in progress
these are sites, projects, or other creative content that i really like, presented in no particular order.
Holy Titclamps - e-zine with old queer musings and history
The Overflow Chute - zonelets blog by my awesome pal Narf
the work of Hal Schrieve - one of my favorite contemporary queer writers and cartoonists. hir series, Vivian's Ghost, is particularly excellent
the work of Jay Miller - another excellent artist, whose comic, Wanderlust, encapsulates a small-town queer experience with familiarity, warmth, and an undercurrent of anxiety. check him out!
QZAP - the Queer Zine Archive Project. exactly what it says on the tin. amazing collection of zines from the past and present
Leather Archives & Museum - arguably one of the most important archives/museums on the planet for its emphasis on uncensored, brutally real human expression and intimacy. if you're in chicago, you owe yourself a visit.
Web Design Museum - a site dedicated to archiving and showcasing web design trends throughout time. super intriguing, especially if you want to work on a project meant to replicate sites from a certain time peroid.
The Weimar Project - dedicated to queer and especially trans people of the weimar republic. has translations of old issues of queer magazines and information about the western queer righst movement.
the work of Haxän - superb artist whose work includes transmasculinity, eroticism, and kink
the work of H.A. - another excellent cartoonist who drew one of my favorite comics,The Chromatic Fantasy. definitely check him out!
what happens next - webcomic dealing with the complexities of victimhood, persecution, and grief
Halley Labs Music - a musician whose speaker-shattering tunes have energized me since like, high school
Bensect - a fellow friend to bugs with rad art
free-er use resources
i use several of these sites while making digital collages and doing layout work. read the terms of use closely. or don't. i don't care what you do and the risks you take lol
Morgue File - sometimes a limited selection. advertises "premium" images that you'd need to pay for, so take care when you browse
Openverse - i think this is what the creative commons search became? great selection of images
Unsplash - has a lot of abstract options
Pixabay - free stock photos
Biodiversity Heritage Library - incredible source of thousands of natural and botanical sketches, all public domain
Wikimedia Commons - huge source for millions of images of all sorts. contains a surprising amount of fetish/adult stuff if you look for it?
Justseeds Open Type Project - ongoing project with tons of excellent fonts available to freely use and download. the fonts here are inspired by leftist organizing.
link to my site
if you're interested in linking to my site, you can use these images to serve as a button! (the dimensions for each button are 228x97 and 114x49. i included two separate sizes depending on how big you want 'em to be.)